When deciding whether to letter or wrap your vehicle, it really comes down to the needs of your brand. Are you looking to be identified out on the road, or are you looking to make a bigger impact with your brand?
Of course, there are other factors that go into the design you choose for your vehicle (such as budget and vehicle type), but the “why” behind the need to letter or wrap your vehicle will be the main driver in your decision.
The first question you need to answer: Identification, or Impact?
Many businesses are solely looking to be identified out on the road, and because of this, full wraps wouldn’t make the most sense. If you are wanting to identify your vehicle, additional design elements will be unnecessary to achieve your primary goal.
So, what design coverage is best for you? We recommend choosing one of our lettering packages: Single-Door Lettering, Double-Door Lettering, and Basic Lettering. This way, you can place your company name/logo, contact information, and required numbers on your vehicle so you can easily be identified on the road. With each of these packages, we can be flexible to the needs of your company by building on extra elements for an additional cost.
Below you will see examples of other companies that had a higher emphasis on identification for their brand and vehicle out on the road.

If you’re ready to identify your vehicle, get an estimate from our team today.
When it comes to vehicle wraps, many companies find it valuable to include additional design elements that will make them stand out on the road. In competitive industries today, it’s important to increase brand awareness (whether you are a small business or a bigger company).
In order to have the most impact with vehicle graphics, what design coverage is best for you? We recommend choosing between Lettering Plus, Partial Wrap, or Full Wrap. Through these coverage packages, you will not only be able to be identified on the road, but an eye-catching design will draw in more impressions for your brand.
Does less coverage mean your brand will have less impact? No. Your brand can have just as much impact with a Lettering Plus package as opposed to a Full Wrap. This is only possible through great, intentional design. The design of the vehicle coverage can truly make or break the wrap.
Below you will see examples of companies who desired larger coverage to have more impact on the road.

If you’re ready to gain higher impressions and make an impact through your brand, get connected with our team today.
Once you have decided upon why you are looking to letter/wrap your vehicle, there are two other factors that can impact your final buying decision: budget, and vehicle type.
The amount you are looking to spend on vehicle graphics will also determine the design coverage. If you are not looking to spend as much, you may want to purchase a lettering package as opposed to partially/fully wrapping your vehicle.
Remember – less coverage does not mean your vehicle graphics will be less impactful (as long as you have a clean and impressive design). We understand that budget is an important factor, so our team will be able to make your vehicle branding impactful with any coverage type.
The type of vehicle you are looking to brand also plays a key role in deciding which design coverage you need. Coverage can be affected by the color and size of your vehicle.
The color of your vehicle can make or break your brand. If the vehicle’s color clashes with your brand, consider getting a Full Wrap. If the color coincides with your brand, you can choose less coverage like a Partial Wrap or Lettering Plus package.
We also recommend a Full Wrap to clients who have a vehicle with old graphics on it that need to be removed (depending on how much space they’ve taken up). Why? The old graphics, depending on how long they’ve been on there, can cause what we call “ghosting” – a shadowing or outline of the letters/design on the vehicle.
Figuring out whether to letter or wrap can feel like a complex decision, and we want to help you make an informed buying decision while making it easy. If you have any questions about what Coverage Package works best for your brand, connect with us today!